Home screen iteration. pic.twitter.com/rbbu3B9NY9
— Joshua Schwimmer (@joshuaschwimmer) October 25, 2013
Posted on infosnack.
Home screen iteration. pic.twitter.com/rbbu3B9NY9
— Joshua Schwimmer (@joshuaschwimmer) October 25, 2013
Beautiful new set of photos from the NYT of an epic, all-night NYC puzzle game that raised $2.9 million for charity: http://t.co/wt4KRbJT4U
— Joshua Schwimmer (@joshuaschwimmer) October 21, 2013
One Long Night in Puzzle City by @nytlizrobbins of @nytimes captures the fun of Midnight Madness, http://t.co/qOcQWwnMUC, @GoodShepherdNYC
— Goldman Sachs (@GoldmanSachs) October 14, 2013
A Mental Marathon Through NYC: 24 puzzles, 16+ hours. Can you figure? http://t.co/TIeR6ZoySM
— Liz Robbins (@nytlizrobbins) October 13, 2013
Midnight Madness in the New York Times. http://t.co/NxtvBGXVLM pic.twitter.com/dqd2OXxRvw
— Joshua Schwimmer (@joshuaschwimmer) October 13, 2013
The brilliance of this piece about an obsessive game is its obsessive details. http://t.co/ow1bJam18k
— Jacob Ward (@_jacobward_) October 13, 2013
We’re in the Times- great headline. One Long Night in Puzzle City http://t.co/hbt1hyv9zA “intricately scripted and unexpectedly spontaneous”
— Linked by Air (@linkedbyair) October 13, 2013
Of mannequins and anagrams, and twerking to the finish: one Saturday night in Puzzle City. http://t.co/TIeR6ZoySM
— Liz Robbins (@nytlizrobbins) October 13, 2013
Midnight Madness! Had a great time in NY being Leon for real! $2.9M raised 4 charity. http://t.co/vQTcQenNxd @GoodShepherdNY @12amMadness
— Alan Solomon (@alansolomon) October 13, 2013
Midnight Madness (co-run by Elie Wiesel’s son) ran again last wknd, so mad I missed it #Feedsreads http://t.co/AQ5TijMTVf
— SS Private Equity (@PE_Feeds) October 12, 2013
Do they have this kind of thing for normal people? This is the most epic scavenge hunt. http://t.co/rTCbWRaIWF
— Kristin Oakley (@kristinmoakley) October 12, 2013
Liz Robbins from @newyorktimes was on a @12amMadness teams last weekend. Check out her story! http://t.co/6yHI6UhzPZ
— GoodShepherdNYC (@GoodShepherdNYC) October 12, 2013
"One Long Night in Puzzle City", the NYT article about Midnight Madness. http://t.co/gOMmL55sO1 Lots of photos here: http://t.co/s2CBhjsc7P
— Joshua Schwimmer (@joshuaschwimmer) October 12, 2013
While covering the second annual Midnight Madness charity puzzle-hunt, I shot some video around midnight at P… http://t.co/Xc5x7aFpeV
— Amanda Gordon (@AmandaGordon) October 9, 2013
check out photos from this year’s Midnight Madness courtesy @joshuaschwimmer http://t.co/IZzXy226nR
— Midnight Madness (@12amMadness) October 11, 2013
check out @joshuaschwimmer photos from MM! http://t.co/r78vlWHsnE
— Midnight Madness (@12amMadness) October 9, 2013
Fantastic Midnight Madness photos from the MM crew who stayed up all night to capture every moment. http://t.co/FYqYOxP8jN (fixed link)
— Amanda Gordon (@AmandaGordon) October 9, 2013
"The [Google Team] crashed a wedding and were compelled to twerk before they realized it wasn’t part of the event." http://t.co/4vYJsaneVh
— Joshua Schwimmer (@joshuaschwimmer) October 8, 2013
$2.9M raised #fundraisingRT @pndblog: ‘Midnight Madness’ Competition: Goldman Fights Morgan for Charity http://t.co/7KISM8Xt2w
— Raymund Flandez (@raymundf23) October 7, 2013
My column on wall street coming together to solve problems — like you can’t imagine. http://t.co/qqAy1LWquB #mm2013
— Amanda Gordon (@AmandaGordon) October 7, 2013
So this weekend, Midnight Madness 2013 (an epic puzzle game) raised $2.9 million for charity. Pictures to follow! http://t.co/HPBxDo6QMzADDENDUM: PHOTOS ARE UP!
— Joshua Schwimmer (@joshuaschwimmer) October 7, 2013
Informal Curriculum, Lesson 1: “Be a person.” http://t.co/KWBgrwpRlY
— Joshua Schwimmer (@joshuaschwimmer) October 7, 2013
#FF to the Wednesday Gang. @hjluks @jordangrumet @joshuaschwimmer @nickdawson @PhilBaumann
— David Lee Scher, MD (@dlschermd) October 4, 2013
If you have a Mac, you should be using 1Password. http://t.co/Kimrv4MB3p
— Joshua Schwimmer (@joshuaschwimmer) October 3, 2013
The Drugs + Bugs app: real time antibiotic susceptibility data. Fascinating. http://t.co/Py4qHSUmEs pic.twitter.com/C5BvBjwcK7
— Joshua Schwimmer (@joshuaschwimmer) October 2, 2013