Thursday, June 27, 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Office window.

Office window.

Posted on infosnack.

The Pace of Modern Life

The Pace of Modern Life:

The Pace of Mod­ern Life

Per­ma­nent link to this comic:
Image URL (for hotlinking/embedding):

Posted on infosnack.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

iPhone Home Screen.

iPhone Home Screen.

Posted on infosnack.

Riftstone Arch, Central Park.

Riftstone Arch, Central Park.

Posted on infosnack.

Virtual dissection table is fascinating, useful, and just a...

Virtual dissection table is fascinating, useful, and just a little creepy
Maggie Koerth-Baker,

Every­thing a dis­sec­tion table should be, I sup­pose. I’m absolute­ly mes­mer­ized by the util­i­ty of this tool, devel­oped by Anatomage and Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty’s Divi­sion of Clin­i­cal Anato­my. Par­tic­u­lar­ly for its abil­i­ty to give…

Posted on infosnack.

Monday, June 17, 2013

#weather #instaweather #instaweatherpro #newyork #nyc...

#weather #instaweather #instaweatherpro #newyork #nyc #unitedstates

Posted on infosnack.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Scary NYC neighborhood, 1888 Cory Doctorow,...

Scary NYC neighborhood, 1888
Cory Doctorow,

Here’s a photo from Jacob Riis’s 1890 clas­sic “How the Other Half Lives,” “an early publication… doc­u­ment­ing squalid liv­ing con­di­tions in New York City slums in the 1880s.” It shows “Ban­dit’s Roost, at 59½ Mul­ber­ry Street (Mul­ber­ry…

Posted on infosnack.

Central Park Run, Riftstone Arch.

Central Park Run, Riftstone Arch.

Posted on infosnack.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Ghost train.

Ghost train.

Posted on infosnack.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Survival of Acute Hypernatremia Due to Massive Soy Sauce Ingestion

Survival of Acute Hypernatremia Due to Massive Soy Sauce Ingestion:



Inten­tion­al mas­sive sodi­um chlo­ride inges­tions are rare occur­rences and are often fatal.


There are a vari­ety of treat­ment rec­om­men­da­tions for hyper­na­trem­ia, …

Posted on infosnack.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

mikeyfriskeyhands: My brother saved this document and everytime...


My brother saved this document and everytime he gets angry at our neighbours for being loud he prints it to their wireless printer and you can hear the wife shout “Why the fuck would you print this AGAIN?!” to her son.

Posted on infosnack.

Working late, snacking well. Thank god for...

Working late, snacking well. Thank god for...:


Work­ing late, snack­ing well. Thank god for straw­ber­ries. #maxwellsfarm @unsqgreenmarket #springsnack #food

Posted on infosnack.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

"No matter how much I make up, there’s stuff in history that’s just as bad, or worse."

"No matter how much I make up, there’s stuff in history that’s just as bad, or worse.":

“No matter how much I make up, there’s stuff in history that’s just as bad, or worse.”
- George R.R. Martin on the infamous “Red Wedding” scene.Obviously, do not read this article unless you’re caught up on the Game of Thrones…

Posted on infosnack.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

French Bulldog at Night

French Bulldog at Night

Posted on infosnack.