Monday, April 30, 2012

Church Under Construction and Moon Loftus Lens, DC Film, No...

Church Under Construction and Moon

Loftus Lens, DC Film, No Flash, Taken with Hipstamatic

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Subway Grate from Below Kaimal Mark II Lens, Kodot XGrizzled...

Subway Grate from Below

Kaimal Mark II Lens, Kodot XGrizzled Film, Cadet Blue Gel Flash, Taken with Hipstamatic

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Loftus Lens, BlacKeys B+W Film, No Flash, Taken with Hipstamatic

Loftus Lens, BlacKeys B+W Film, No Flash, Taken with Hipstamatic

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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tom Bihn Absolute Shoulder Straps are so awesome that today...

Tom Bihn Absolute Shoulder Straps are so awesome that today I’m using two.

Lucas AB2 Lens, DC Film, No Flash, Taken with Hipstamatic

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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Water Towers and Chrysler Building Lucas AB2 Lens, Ina’s...

Water Towers and Chrysler Building

Lucas AB2 Lens, Ina’s 1935 Film, No Flash, Taken with Hipstamatic

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Friday, April 27, 2012

jayparkinsonmd: My WWII Red Cross flag arrived. It smells like...


My WWII Red Cross flag arrived. It smells like my grandparent’s home in Arkansas.

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The nephrologist's guide to Twitter

The nephrologist's guide to Twitter:

Via Joel Topf at Precious Bodily Fluids. Pretty sure this is the first time I’ve ever been called a “patriarch”.

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Space Shuttle Photo (2) by Lynn Bartner-Wiesel (Taken with...

Space Shuttle Photo (2) by Lynn Bartner-Wiesel (Taken with instagram)

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Space Shuttle Photo by Lynn Bartner-Wiesel (Taken with...

Space Shuttle Photo by Lynn Bartner-Wiesel (Taken with instagram)

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Donor kidney doesn't agree with you? Get it removed and give it to someone else.

Donor kidney doesn't agree with you? Get it removed and give it to someone else.:

For the first time, a kidney that had been donated to a patient in need was removed and implanted into a new patient, the third individual to have the organ, after it failed in the first transplant recipient.

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Jay Parkinson + MD + MPH = a doctor in NYC (My WWII Red Cross flag arrived. It smells like my...)

Jay Parkinson + MD + MPH = a doctor in NYC (My WWII Red Cross flag arrived. It smells like my...):

Peter Vidani,

After com­plet­ing a res­i­den­cy in pedi­atrics and one in pre­ven­tive med­i­cine at Johns Hop­kins, I start­ed a prac­tice for my neigh­bor­hood of Williams­burg, Brook­lyn in Sep­tem­ber 2007. Peo­ple would visit my web­site; see my Google…

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

lonelysandwich: Aeropress “Ritual” (spec) This is a short...


Aeropress “Ritual” (spec)

This is a short tribute to my Aeropress. Two years ago, one was given to me, and it changed everything.

For a little more than $20, this marvel of science will produce arguably the best cup of coffee you’ve ever made in your home. It makes no sense.

Here’s where to buy it:

This is how my wife and I make coffee every morning.

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Sleep No More Gaming Achievements

Sleep No More Gaming Achievements:


If Sleep No More Had Achievements

It would take a solid month of posts to talk about the things I’ve seen (and heard about) at the show, so in lieu of a specific tour guide for what to see, here’s some gaming-style achievements to help guide you towards certain activities.

Surprised this hasn’t been done before.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Amazon releases “Send to Kindle” desktop software...

Amazon releases “Send to Kindle” desktop software for the Mac
[email protected] (Jacqui Cheng),

More than three months after releas­ing soft­ware for Windows-users to send doc­u­ments to a Kin­dle, Ama­zon has now released the Mac ver­sion. Announced on Tues­day after­noon, the “Send to Kin­dle for Mac” appli­ca­tion allows Mac users to…

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More on DRM and ebooks

More on DRM and ebooks:
It’s my belief that today’s e-ink ebook read­ers are doomed to obso­les­cence with­in a short peri­od — 2-3 years pos­si­bly, 5 years prob­a­bly. This is because the power con­sump­tion of LCD dis­plays is drop­ping and their qual­i­ty is ris­ing. e-ink devices are inher­ent­ly inca­pable of dis­play­ing video, are lousy as web browsers due to the screen refresh time, and if you use them to play audio or do any inten­sive pro­cess­ing (such as run­ning apps) their bat­tery life drops towards that of a reg­u­lar LCD-equipped tablet. They’re essen­tial­ly single-purpose devices, com­pet­ing in a mar­ket with general-purpose devices. Their only advan­tages are bat­tery life and read­abil­i­ty in direct sun­light, both of which are under threat. So it’s my belief that gen­er­al pur­pose tablets (and big-screen smart­phones) will drive e-ink read­ers out of the mass mar­ket with­in 2-5 years, just as smart­phones killed off your 2003 Palm Pilot.

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Monday, April 23, 2012

Why Instagram is worth $1B to Facebook

Why Instagram is worth $1B to Facebook:

Facebook acquired Instagram for about $30 per user, or $1 billion. ($30/user X 33M users = $1B). Facebook is valued at about $100 per user or $80 billion ($100/user X 800M users = $80Bn). Other popular social apps are valued around $20 to $50 per user.

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livelymorgue: 1928: “This youngster has been under the raying...


1928: “This youngster has been under the raying of the ultra-violet mercury arc for nearly half an hour,” reads the back of this photo, “but seems none the less happy.” The image was used in the Mid-Week Pictorial on Aug. 18 to illustrate a treatment in Paris for children “suffering from rickets or other maladies common to city children unable to have the healing rays of the sun.” Photo: The New York Times

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The Dragon Go iPhone app is awesome at recognizing obscure...

The Dragon Go iPhone app is awesome at recognizing obscure medical words. (Taken with instagram)

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Dear Quantified Self wizards, what’s the best iPhone app to gather data (pictures, times, locations,...

Dear Quantified Self wizards, what’s the best iPhone app to gather data (pictures, times, locations, etc.) for export to Wolfram Alpha Pro?

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Dialysis Unplugged: The Wearable Artificial...

Dialysis Unplugged: The Wearable Artificial Kidney

Good news for inno­va­tion in dial­y­sis.

I have met Vic­tor Gura a cou­ple of times over the years; the last time being at the ASN. Vic­tor is a entre­pre­neur­ial nephrol­o­gist based in South­ern Cal­i­for­nia, but also a pio­neer in the…

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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Thanks to Dr. Alireza Majidi, an Iranian physician and blogger,...

Thanks to Dr. Alireza Majidi, an Iranian physician and blogger, who emailed to say that I was one of the inspirations for him to start blogging and that he had written a profile of me on his website. An English translation is here.

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Church construction (Taken with Instagram at St Jean Baptiste...

Church construction (Taken with Instagram at St Jean Baptiste Church)

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