Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hilarious Journal Articles #93: Gossip Boosts Cognitive Functioning

The scope of social psychological research. Adapted from Cote and Levine (2002).Image from WikipediaVia the Personal and Social Psychology Bulletin:
Social interaction is a central feature of people's life and engages a variety of cognitive resources. Thus, social interaction should facilitate general cognitive functioning. Previous studies suggest such a link, but they used special populations (e.g., elderly with cognitive impairment), measured social interaction indirectly (e.g., via marital status), and only assessed effects of extended interaction in correlational designs. Here the relation between mental functioning and direct indicators of social interaction was examined in a younger and healthier population. Study 1 using survey methodology found a positive relationship between social interaction, assessed via amount of actual social contact, and cognitive functioning in people from three age groups including younger adults. Study 2 using an experimental design found that a small amount of social interaction (10 min) can facilitate cognitive performance. The findings are discussed in the context of the benefits social relationships have for so many aspects of people's lives.
The collection of Hilarious Journal Articles is here.

Thanks to Joe.

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