Thursday, June 21, 2007

Links for 2007-06-21: The Onion on the iPhone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Dear Kidney Notes,

I’m writing today with some important news for all Kidney Disease Bloggers, information that we hope you will pass along to your readers. The American Kidney Fund has joined the Revolution Health Fair, ( an online event launched in partnership with 10 national nonprofit organizations who each host a virtual “booth.” Until the end of June, for every visitor to a partner organization’s booth Revolution Health will make a donation to that partner for a total of up to $10,000.

We hope you’ll let your readers know about this. They’ll get valuable information and help the groups who advocate for them to prosper.

If you have any questions please contact me at We’re looking forward to your participation.

- Madeleine Perry, on behalf of Revolution Health

Revolution Health ( is the new health resource website founded by Steve Case, partly because of the difficulties he and his family faced during his brother’s battle with brain cancer. He wants to make it a bit easier for those who follow by providing tools to support both patient and family. I’m working with Revolution to support the work of bloggers who follow health issues. One way we’re doing that is by conducting these topical briefings, just for the blogger universe. Revolution wants to highlight its ability to aggregate and share critical information on health issues by providing new information and contact with health leaders in relevant disease communities.

One great asset of the site is its population of experts, including those on nutrition, diet and weight loss, drawn from major academic institutions across the country, including Columbia, Harvard, Cleveland Clinic, the University of California at San Francisco, the University of Southern California, Johns Hopkins, Memorial Sloan Kettering, MD Anderson, and more