Thursday, January 11, 2007

Mindmap of "Getting Things Done" by David Allen

The GTD Mindmap / Flowchart has been updated. The new version is here.


  1. That's a nice map you have there. As you know, I am also trying to stay on the GTD wagon; it's cool to see someone else's rabid enthusiasm for it. I myself am operating GTD through a Moleskine.

  2. Sorry but this is not a mindmap, it's a flowchart. A mindmap has a central topic around which subtopics and sub-subtopics are grouped.

  3. Good point. The map is a bit more complex than the usual flowchart, because of multiple layers (the horizons of focus) and the weekly review. I called it a mindmap because 1) MindManager is primarily used to create mindmaps and 2) because of the layers of complexity and interrelationships, but you're correct, the classic mindmap has a central topic with subtopics.

  4. Don't suppose you'd publish the MindManager file would you - always looking for new ways of looking at GTD ?

  5. Wow what a map!

    Please publish the MindManager file.

  6. yes, please publish the MindManager file for download and traduction

    Por favor, publique el archivo de mindmanager para descargar y traducir al espaƱol

  7. A question if I may. Looking again at the mind-map/flowchart today, I note that you mention the "three fold nature of work" but then only list two items. Is something missing?

    Do you have any plan to make the mind-map available for download?

  8. Nice map describing GTD process!

    To implement GTD on mind map (and along the mines of Pascal Venier) I have posted some explanations and self explanatory templates (Freemind as in free, and MindManager) on

    Happy GTD!

  9. Great map! I use Wrike for my GTD. Wrike's system is not a traditional GTD system, but I personally like it better. It lets me get things done without reviewing a "waiting for" list. Check it out.
