Saturday, December 23, 2006

FDA MedWatch - Update on MRI Contrast Agents Containing Gadolinium and Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy

The FDA has issued a Public Health Advisory to notify healthcare professionals
that it has received additional information about a new disease, known
as Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis or Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy
(NSF/NFD), which may occur in patients with moderate to end-stage kidney
disease after they have had a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or
Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) scan with a gadolinium-based
contrast agent. FDA has received reports of 90 patients with moderate to
end-stage kidney disease who developed NSF/NFD after they had an MRI or
MRA with a gadolinium-based contrast agent. FDA is notifying health
care providers and patients that: 1] Patients with moderate to end-stage
kidney disease who receive an MRI or MRA with a gadolinium-based
contrast agent may get NSF/NFD which is debilitating and may cause
death, 2] Patients who believe they may have NSF/NFD should contact
their doctor, 3] When a patient with moderate to end-stage kidney
disease needs an imaging study, select imaging methods other than MRI or
MRA with a gadolinium-based contrast agent for the study whenever
possible, and 4] FDA asks health care professionals and patients to
report possible cases of NSF/NFD to the FDA through the MedWatch

Read the complete MedWatch 2006 Safety summary, including links to the
updated information page, Public Health Advisory, and previous June 2006
alert, at:

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