Thursday, June 29, 2006

Useful Tools for Blogging, Medicine, and Getting Things Done

These are tools I use often and recommend (including what's on my Treo). Other suggestions are welcome.
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  1. This is a nice summary.

    Just a few additions:

    Google Spreadsheets is pretty slick too.

    For people who prefer the "portal page" approach to plain RSS, Google personalized page can be useful to create a "customized journal" which combines the RSS feeds of the major journals, as described here:

  2. Enoch,

    That's a valid point. I don't use the "search across computers" feature and the index is encrypted, so I don't feel Google Desktop represents a significant additional security risk. However, I'm open to arguments against using it.

  3. More additions:

    * Pandora
    * Skyscape software (for Palm, PPC or Desktop PC)
    * iSilo (for Palm, PPC or Desktop PC)
    * MDConsult
    * Gateway Ovid
    * Sandford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy (for Palm or PPC)
    * Johns Hopkins ABX guide (for Palm)

    By the way, all kind of patient information y have in my hard drive are saved as encrypted documents and I have configured Google Desktop to not index those files.
