Sunday, April 2, 2006

Plavix Slogan Variations

"Ask your doctor about Plavix today, because no matter how formidable you are, you're no match for a dangerous clot."

You're no match for a dangerous clot.
You're no match for a deadly clot.
You're no match for a deadly thrombus.
A deadly thrombus vs. you: no match.
A deadly thrombus will do you in.
A pernicious thrombus will do you in.
A dastardly thrombus will do you in.
A dastardly clot will do you in.
You ain't got nothing on a dastardly clot.
The dastardly clot, it burns...
Curse you, dastardly clot.
For a dastardly clot, you are no match.
For a deadly clot, you are no match.
For a dangerous clot, you are no march,
You are no match for a dangerous clot.


  1. Not enough kidney business in NYC, huh? ;)

    (Although I *do* like "Curse you, dastardly clot.")

  2. Actually on call, very busy, in the CCU, writing with a Plavix pen, and I was momentarily dwelling on the perfection of the Plavix slogan and emailed that from my Treo...

  3. A dangerous clot is in the haĆ¼s. Got Plavix?

  4. Okay, " the haus. Got Plavix?"

    and " burns."

    That's quality comedy.
