Sunday, January 29, 2006

Drugmakers to Cut Off Some Free Prescriptions

From The Washington Post:
Several of the nation's largest drug manufacturers say they will no longer provide free or discounted medications to low-income elderly and disabled patients because they should be covered by the new Medicare drug benefit. But for about 1 million Americans with serious illnesses such as AIDS and cancer -- patients who last year relied on the pharmaceutical industry's giveaways -- that means Medicare coverage could cost them more than $3,600 this year.
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1 comment:

  1. That's not the only problem with Medicare. The whole thing is in need of serious reform! What people want is predictable premiums, co-pays and a dependable list of covered drugs. You can take action on Consumers Union action site to support a bill that will do just that. It will also save taxpayers significant amounts of money by allowing Medicare to negotiate the best possible drug prices for seniors. Read more about it.
