Monday, December 19, 2005

Counterfeit Tamiflu Seized

Via The Wall Street Journal Avian Flu News Tracker:
U.S. customs agents intercepted more than 50 shipments of counterfeit Tamiflu, the antiviral flu drug, marking the first such seizures in the U.S. The first package was intercepted Nov. 26 at an air-mail facility near San Francisco International Airport, said Roxanne Hercules, a spokeswoman for U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Since then, agents have seized 51 separate packages, each containing up to 50 counterfeit capsules labeled generic Tamiflu. The fake drugs had none of Tamiflu's active ingredients, and officials were running tests to determine what the capsules did contain.
Technorati Tags: Avian Flu, Avian Influenza, Bird Flu

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