Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Nephrology Cases #5: 2005 ASN Nephrology Quiz & Questionnaire

The American Society of Nephrology 2005 Nephrology Quiz & Questionnaire is here. (No answers available until the ASN meeting.)

From Dr. Narins:
Here's how the Nephrology Quiz & Questionnaire (NQQ) works: Our panel of four experts (Gabriel Danovitch: Transplantation; Mitchell Halperin: Fluids and Electrolytes; Ronald Falk: Glomerular-Tubular Disorders; Joanne Bargman: ESRD) have each developed two short case vignettes illustrating a key diagnostic or therapeutic issue. They ask 1-2 single-best answer questions about each case. The cases and questions are available here (in a pdf file).

You folks enter your results on our survey module and we collate all the responses and provide them as "anonymous data" to each panelist. We'll separately collate the answers from the Training Program Directors (those responsible for training renal fellows), so please be sure to indicate whether or not you are a TPD.

At the ASN's Renal Week meeting in Philadelphia (November 8 - November 13) at the two hour NQQ session (Saturday, November 12th 10:00 a.m. -to- 12:00 p.m.), the cases will be discussed. At the session, the discussants will provide their answers and will use bar graphs to collectively display how you folks answered the questions.

Following the meeting, we'll publish the cases, questions, and essay-type answers in an issue of Clinical JASN (CJASN), the ASN's newest journal. This NQQ has been an entertaining and informative way of seeing how your responses compare with those of your colleagues. It also gives us a sense of what topics we need to stress in the future.

We look forward to your replies and to seeing you at the NQQ.

After you review the questions in the pdf file, click here to submit your answers for the NQQ: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?A=99200066E96145.

Please respond by Wednesday, October 19.

Best Wishes,

Robert G. Narins, MD
Director, Postgraduate Education
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