Monday, October 17, 2005

Essays About Hurricane Katrina In This Month's New England Journal of Medicine (Free Full Text)

This week's NEJM has eight essays on Hurricane Katrina written by physicians. The text is free online. Many of the doctors are from New Orleans. In Finding Supplies, Gregory S. Henderson, M.D., Ph.D. writes the following:
So with hotel security at the watch, the pharmacist, the police officers, the family practice physician, and I waded across Canal Street in thigh-deep water to the drugstore. With their weapons drawn, officers Jeff Jacob and Tommy Redmann kept the looters out. The door had already been smashed. We went in with several other police officers. It was dark and full of water, it stank, and there were items floating everywhere. The pharmacy was locked, but our pharmacist figured out how to smash through a plastic window divider and climb in. Then he figured out how the shelves were organized and found a refrigerator containing some insulin. I tried to stuff things into my pockets but soon realized that it was futile. Someone found trash bags, and we were in business...
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