There is a growing epidemic in the cyberworld. A scourge which causes more suffering with each passing day. As blogging has exploded and, under the stewardship of the veterans, the form has matured more and more bloggers are finding themselves disillusioned, dissatisfied, taking long breaks, and in many cases simply closing up shop. This debilitating scourge ebbs and flows but there is hardly a blogger among us who has not felt it’s dark touch. We’re speaking, of course, about blog depression...Technorati Tags: Nonist, Blog Depression, Parody
Sunday, July 31, 2005
A Pamphlet on Blog Depression
The Best (and Longest) Title I've Seen Recently: "I Pigged 17 Mars Bars a Day..."
Interview by Cory Doctorow on the World Intellectual Property Organization
Technorati Tags: Copyfight, Cory Doctorow, World Intellectual Property Organization, WIPO, WorldChangingCopyfight is the broad banner to describe people who are fighting for reforms to intellectual property -- trademarks, patents, copyrights and what are called "related rights" (broadcast rights and so on)...
Every successfully developed country made use of free information goods. More accurately, they all went through a stage when they were a pirate nation. America spent a century as a pirate nation, ripping off the intellectual property of every country around it, and in particular, of Britain, because when you're a net importer of intellectual property, signing on to multilateral copyright and patent agreements is signing on to exporting your wealth off-shore. When you're a net exporter of intellectual property, it makes economic sense...
Serenity and Mood Disorders
Technorati Tags: Serenity, Lithium Orotate, Depression, Bipolar Disorder
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Planet Xena
Technorati Tags: Planet Xena, Xena, New York Times, Astronomy, PlutoAstronomers announced yesterday that they had found a lump of rock and ice that was larger than Pluto and the farthest known object in the solar system. The discovery will probably rekindle debate over the definition of "planet" and whether Pluto still merits the designation.
The new object - as yet unnamed, but temporarily known as 2003 UB313 - is now 9 billion miles away from the Sun, or 97 times as far away as Earth and about three times Pluto's current distance from the Sun. Its 560-year elliptical orbit brings it as close as 3.3 billion miles. Pluto's orbit ranges from 2.7 billion miles to 4.6 billion...
Informally, the astronomers have been calling it Xena after the television series about a Greek warrior princess, which was popular when the astronomers began their systematic sweep of the sky in 2000. "Because we always wanted to name something Xena," Dr. Brown said...
New England Journal of Medicine Audio Feed
Technorati Tags: New England Journal of Medicine, Interviews, Feedburner, Malaria, Africa
Friday, July 29, 2005
West Nile Virus in New York
- First probable human cases of West Nile (WN) virus infection identified in New York City residents during the 2005 mosquito season – both males, age 50 and 54 – with recent travel history outside New York City.
- Five mosquito pools from the Eastchester, Woodlawn, Van Nest, and Baychester neighborhoods of the Bronx have tested positive for WN virus.
- WN viral activity also reported in areas surrounding New York City, with a positive human case in Putnam County, a positive bird in Albany, and positive mosquito pools in Nassau and Erie Counties, and Connecticut.
- The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) reminds providers to report promptly any suspect case of the following syndromes during the adult mosquito season (July 1 - October 31, 2005): all suspected cases of viral encephalitis and viral meningitis and all patients with acute flaccid paralysis or other motor disorders consistent with West Nile virus infection.
Killer Hamsters and Organ Transplant Recipients
Four more hamsters from an Ohio pet distribution center have tested positive for a virus [Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis] blamed in the deaths of three New England organ recipients, the state agriculture department said Thursday. The results mean that the center's 4,000 small pets that include hamsters, mice and gerbils will be killed to prevent the virus from spreading...Technorati Tags: Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis, Organ Transplantation, Medicine, ABC News
Enviga: a Beverage that Burns Calories?
Coca-Cola is planning to launch Enviga, a soda that is said to burn 50 to 100 calories just by drinking a 12-oz. serving, next year, per one executive. Enviga, a green tea-based, caffeinated, carbonated drink, is in clinical testing and is said to speed up the user's metabolism. The beverage will target active lifestyle consumers. A Coke rep said, "Some [of our projects] may find their way to market and some may not." Studies have shown that drinking green tea may promote weight loss by stimulating the body to burn calories.In the spirit of Coke Zero, a better name would be "Coke Negative 100."
Technorati Tags: Enviga, Coca Cola
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Podcasts on Odeo
Technorati Tags: Odeo, IPodder, Podcasts, Medical Podcasts
The ICE ("In Case of Emergency") Meme
The idea is that you store the word "ICE" in your mobile phone address book, and against it enter the number of the person you would want to be contacted "In Case of Emergency". In an emergency situation, ambulance and hospital staff will then be able to quickly find out who your next of kin are and be able to contact them. It's as simple as that, and for more than one contact name you can use ICE1, ICE2, ICE3, etc.(A side effect, which might actually prevent this from being widely adopted, is that when this person calls, the caller ID displays "ICE.")
Technorati Tags: ICE, In Case of Emergency, Memes
Brain Tumor Removal on Flickr
Technorati Tags: Brain Tumor, Meningioma, Surgery, Flickr
The Monty Hall Problem
The Monty Hall problem is a puzzle in probability that is loosely based on the American game show Let's Make a Deal. The name comes from the show's host, Monty Hall. In this puzzle a player is shown three closed doors; behind one is a car, and behind each of the other two is a goat. The player is allowed to open one door, and will win whatever is behind the door. However, after the player selects a door but before opening it, the game host (who knows what's behind the doors) must open another door, revealing a goat. The host then must offer the player an option to switch to the other closed door. Does switching improve the player's chance of winning the car? With the assumptions explicitly stated below, the answer is yes — switching results in the chances of winning the car improving from 1/3 to 2/3...Technorati Tags: Monty Hall, Probability
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Increased Shuttle Surveillance a Mixed Blessing
Technorati Tags: Space Shuttle, New York TimesThere were cameras on the launching pad, cameras aloft on planes monitoring the ascent, cameras on the shuttle checking for missing foam on the external fuel tank, and a camera on the tank itself. One camera caught a mysterious object falling from the shuttle at liftoff; radar detected another, about two minutes into the flight. Cameras aboard the shuttle and the International Space Station will monitor the Discovery until the end of its mission.
But all this inspection may be a mixed blessing. The more NASA looks for damage, engineers and other experts say, the more it will find. And the risks of overreaction to signs of damage while the shuttle is in orbit may be just as great as the risks of playing them down...
The Doctors Don't Know How to Spell It
Little girl: That's how you spell it? Why is there a "p"?Technorati Tags: Overheard in New York, Medicine
Mom: The doctors didn't know how to spell it, so they just put a "p" at the beginning to make it look medical.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Cory Doctorow Summarizes "Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town"
So that's it in a nutshell. A very large and n-dimensional nutshell.
Technorati Tags: Cory Doctorow, Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town
Virtual Earth and the World Trade Center
Technorati Tags: Virtual Earth, MSN Virtual Earth, World Trade Center
Hilarious Journal Articles Part 12: Circumcision Provided 65% Protective Effect Against HIV in Randomized Trial
Technorati Tags: Hilarious Journal Articles, Circumcision, HIV, AIDS, Medscape, MedicineAdult male circumcision has been found to provide a 65% protective effect against infection with HIV in a randomized trial of more than 3,035 sexually active, heterosexual men in South Africa, according to findings presented here at the 3rd International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment...
The researchers conducted the trial by first identifying heterosexual men between the ages of 18 and 24 years, who were healthy and sexually active, and who said they were willing to be circumcised if it could be proven to reduce their risk of HIV infection. These men were living in Orange Farm, a neighborhood near Johannesburg, South Africa, with high rates of HIV transmission and an existing male circumcision rate of approximately 20%. Prior to this study, the researchers had conducted a feasibility pilot study that found that 70% of men would consider circumcision if it were beneficial and safe...
Grand Rounds 44
Technorati Tags: Grand Rounds, Medicine
New Sleep Drug: Rozerem
Technorati Tags: Rozerem, Ramelteon, Melatonin, FDA, Sleep, Insomnia, TakedaROZEREM is the first and only prescription sleep medication that has shown no evidence of abuse and dependence and, as a result, has not been designated as a controlled substance by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). With the exception of ROZEREM, all other prescription medications indicated for insomnia are classified as Schedule IV controlled substances by the DEA. Additionally, ROZEREM is the first prescription insomnia medication with a new therapeutic mechanism of action in 35 years, and will be available for patients by late September...
ROZEREM (ramelteon) has a unique therapeutic mechanism of action that selectively targets two receptors located in the brain’s suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). The SCN is known as the body’s “master clock” because it regulates 24-hour, or circadian, rhythms including the sleep-wake cycle...
Monday, July 25, 2005
Physiology: Your Kidneys and How They Work
Your kidneys are bean-shaped organs, each about the size of your fist. They are located near the middle of your back, just below the rib cage. The kidneys are sophisticated reprocessing machines. Every day, your kidneys process about 200 quarts of blood to sift out about 2 quarts of waste products and extra water. The waste and extra water become urine, which flows to your bladder through tubes called ureters...Technorati Tags: Physiology, Kidneys, Medicine
Sunday, July 24, 2005
MSN Virtual Earth
Technorati Tags: Virtual Earth, MSN Virtual Earth, World Trade Center
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Technorati Tags
Technorati Tags: Technorati Tags, Technorati
Google Maps Hybrid
Technorati Tags: Google Hybrid, Google Maps
Friday, July 22, 2005
Instructions for Seeing Global Frequency, the Most Popular TV Show Never Aired
- Download bittorrent.
- Go to, a bittorrent search engine.
- Search for Global Frequency.
Technorati Tags: Global Frequency, Global Frequency Pilot, Warren Ellis, Isohunt, Bittorrent
Hilarious Journal Articles Part 11
Technorati Tags: Hilarious Journal Articles, HallucinationsPsychiatrists believe that these auditory hallucinations are caused when the brain spontaneously activates, creating a false perception of a voice," says Professor Hunter of the university's psychiatry department.
"The reason these voices are usually male could be explained by the fact that the female voice is so much more complex that the brain would find it much harder to create a false female voice accurately than a false male voice," he says...
Thursday, July 21, 2005
The New Trailer for Serenity
Medical Podcasts
(A description of podcasts is here. IPodder, software for downloading podcasts, can be found here.)
I've been looking for medical podcasts. So far, I've found:
- This article in the Chicago Tribune about medical podcasting
- As Seen From Here, a podcast on ophthalmology
- Sound Medicine, a radio show from the Indiana University School of Medicine
- The Health Sciences Library at Emory University (a blog of notable medical podcasts and audio broadcasts on other sites)
- Dr. Alan Rubin, an Endocrinologist, talks about general health issues
- Atomic City Health and Fitness, an assortment of health news
- One of the first medblogger podcasts at Family Medicine Notes
- Science Friday, which often has topics of medical interest
- The New England of Medicine Audio Feed
- Modern Medicine
- Dr. Karl's Podcast
- The Journal of Medical Practice Management
- Dr. John Burrows (Psychiatry)
- The Critical Care Podcast
- KCRW's Second Opinion
- Arthritis Central
- The Naked Scientists
- Doctors on Health Audio Newsletter
- Harrison's Online
- American Society of Microbiology
Updated 10/6/05
Technorati Tags: Podcasts, Medicine, Medical Podcasts
News from New York: Pantoeae Agglomerans Sepsis
The Bureau of Communicable Disease was notified on July 17, 2005 of a 36-year old woman who was admitted to a New York City hospital with sepsis following the home administration of an intravenous dextrose solution labeled as containing vitamins. The person who performed the procedure is not known to be a licensed medical practitioner and the intravenous solution was not manufactured in the United States. A culture from the intravenous solution is growing Pantoeae agglomerans (formerly Enterobacter agglomerans). The woman remains hospitalized in improved condition. The solution was produced in Quito, Ecuador under the product name of “BDEX” and company name of “Life...”Technorati Tags: News from New York, Pantoeae Agglomerans, Sepsis, Medicine
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Google Moon
In honor of the first manned Moon landing, which took place on July 20, 1969, we’ve added some NASA imagery to the Google Maps interface to help you pay your own visit to our celestial neighbor. Happy lunar surfing.Technorati Tags: Google Moon, Google
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Laser Tattooed Fruit
Technorati Tags: Laser, Fruit, New York TimesA pear is just a pear, except when it is also a laser-coded information delivery system with advanced security clearance.
And that is what pears - not to mention organic apples, waxy cucumbers and delicate peaches - are becoming in some supermarkets around the country. A new technology being used by produce distributors employs lasers to tattoo fruits and vegetables with their names, identifying numbers, countries of origin and other information that helps speed distribution. The marks are burned onto the outer layer of the skin and are visible to discerning consumers and befuddled cashiers alike...
Grand Rounds Volume 1, Number 43
Technorati Tags: Grand Rounds, Medicine
Monday, July 18, 2005
Instead of DNR ("Do Not Resuscitate") -- AND ("Allow Natural Death")
I recently heard a commentator on National Public Radio suggest that we abandon the DNR designation. It's too negative. We're denying something -- resuscitation -- to the patient. We're asking patients and their families to give up something. We're asking nurses and doctors and paramedics to refrain from doing something that all their training compels them to do...The NPR story is here.
Technorati Tags: DNR, AND, Allow Natural Death, Medical Economics, NPR, Medicine
Cheney's Annual Physical
Technorati Tags: Dick Cheney, Annual Physical, Medicine, Screening
Sunday, July 17, 2005
News from New York: Documentary on Health Problems of 9/11 Rescuers
A new documentary is shining a light on the treatment of thousands of rescuers, workers and volunteers who rushed to help at Ground Zero but feel cast aside now that they have medical problems.The documentary, Never the Same, is here.
Technorati Tags: News from New York, 9/11, Ground Zero, Medicine, Never the Same, Jonathan Levin
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Editorial on Potential for Flu Pandemic in NYT
If a much-feared pandemic of avian influenza starts sweeping through the world's population anytime soon, neither the United States nor international health authorities will be prepared to cope with it. There is not enough vaccine or antiviral medicine available to protect more than a handful of people, and no industrial capacity to produce a lot more of these medicines quickly...Technorati Tags: Flu, Avian Flu, Bird Flu, New York Times
Another Legionnaires' Disease Outbreak
Westchester County health officials said on Friday that the number of patients who had contracted Legionnaires' disease at Sound Shore Medical Center had climbed to 12, and they urged anyone with strong flulike symptoms who had been in the vicinity of the hospital to have a medical examination...Technorati Tags: Legionnaires' Disease, Medicine, Pneumonia, Hospital Acquired Pneumonia
Friday, July 15, 2005
Hilarious Journal Articles Part 10
The original study is here.When people over 60 walked on smooth, rounded cobblestones for just a half-hour a day over four months, they significantly lowered their blood pressure and improved their balance, a study showed.
Behavioral researchers from the Oregon Research Institute investigated the health effects of cobblestones after observing people exercising and walking back and forth over traditional stone paths in China.
"We noticed in several cities we visited that people were walking on cobblestone paths, and people were standing on them, and sometimes dancing on them, doing weight-shifting," said John Fisher, who led the study at the institute in Eugene.
"We thought if we could scientifically measure it, we could see if there were health benefits," he said...
Technorati Tags: Hilarious Journal Articles, Cobblestones, High Blood Pressure, Geriatrics
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Student Cloner
"It's not like you're flooring a car!" says Vicki Huntress, the friendly, thumb-ring-wearing lab instructor who is giving today's cloning lesson. But it's too late. The student at the microscope has pushed her foot pedal a split second longer than she should have, causing a tiny drill to penetrate too far into the mouse egg whose chromosomes she is trying to remove. The egg's cytoplasm—its vital inner contents—begins to flood out into the Petri dish, blub blub blub, a tragic scene the rest of us can see on a video screen connected to her microscope. "OK, this egg is SO going to be damaged," says the student, whose experience proved what we have already been warned: If you want to learn to clone, you are going to need a lot of patience. And a lot of eggs...Technorati Tags: Cloning, Slate
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
NicoShot: Beer with Nicotine
Technorati Tags: NicoShot, NautilusA new beer has been launched by German company Nautilus that claims to help smokers kick the habit by infusing nicotine into the brew.
According to a press release, NicoShot is not necessarily a cure for smoking, but it can help smokers make lifestyle changes "without having to walk out of the bar for a quick smoke to deal with sudden withdrawal symptoms..."
Firefox Update
Technorati Tags: Firefox, Mozilla
Wednesday Recommendations: Cory Doctorow
Cory Doctorow's novels are also available as a free download here (under a Creative Commons license).
Technorati Tags: Wednesday Recommendations, Cory Doctorow, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, Eastern Standard Tribe, Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Google by Phone
Send "help" from your phone to the number "46645" (GOOGL) for more details.
For example:
- 32 degrees celsius in fahrenheit: 32 degrees Celsius = 89.6 degrees Fahrenheit
- population of india: India Population:1,080,264,388
- weather new york ny: 72F,Overcast Wind:N 5mph Hum:60% Tu:68-85F,Mostly Sunny...
- columbia university new york ny: 2960 Broadway New York, NY 10027 212-854-1754
Grand Rounds 42
Technorati Tags: Grand Rounds, Medicine
Monday, July 11, 2005
News from New York: Homicide by Street Sign
The death of a Bronx father killed by a street sign -- which fell after it was a hit by a car driven by a man who had been shot in the head -- has been ruled a homicide, police said yesterday...Technorati Tags: News from New York, New York Daily News, New York City, News
Sunday, July 10, 2005
New England Journal of Medicine Audio Feed
So until the NEJM offers its own audio feed, I've created the following feed (using MSN Search and Feedburner) for audio files offered by the NEJM:
This is not a podcast, but it is an easy way to keep track of the downloadable audio files on the site.
A list of feeds currently offered by the NEJM is here.
Technorati Tags: New England Journal of Medicine, Interviews, Medicine, Podcasts, Medical Podcasts
Saturday, July 9, 2005
Mobile Phones Top Land Lines
A federal study released Friday shows that for the first time ever the number of cellphone users has surpassed the number of standard wired phone lines in the United States...Technorati Tags: Mobile Phones, Cellphones, Telephones, Arizona Republic, FCC
Friday, July 8, 2005
Flickr Photos
Thursday, July 7, 2005
London Bombings Coverage on BoingBoing
Technorati Tags: London Bombings, BoingBoing
Design for the New Freedom Tower

The 77-story Freedom Tower has benefited greatly from its most recent redesign. Gone are the Libeskind signature elements: the off-center spire—a clumsy visual echo of the Statue of Liberty—the trapezoidal plan, the crystalline form. The tower now has a square footprint (set well back from the street), and a graceful, tapering shape. The gimmicky open-air structure at the top of the tower (which was to have housed wind turbines, of all things) is gone, too. What Childs has produced instead is a simple obelisk, an appropriate shape for a building that is, at least in part, a memorial.Technorati Tags: Freedom Tower, Architecture, World Trade Center, Slate
Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Tuesday, July 5, 2005
Grand Rounds 41
Technorati Tags: Grand Rounds, Medicine
Consumer Reports Best Buy Drugs
Technorati Tags: Consumer Reports, Drugs, Medicine
Monday, July 4, 2005
The Scientific Flash Behind the Fireworks
As you ooh and aah at the dazzling explosions of a fireworks display, there are three things going on that you probably wouldn’t guess: The chemists who made those pyrotechnics designed most of them so they wouldn’t explode, you’re actually seeing nature conserving energy, and most peculiar of all, when things are at their flashiest, you’re actually seeing the fireworks as they’re cooling down...Technorati Tags: Fireworks, Chemistry
High and Rising Health Care Costs
Technorati Tags: Medicine, Health Care Costs, Annals of Internal MedicineThe United States has the most expensive health care system in the world, with per capita health expenditures far above those of any other nation. For many years, U.S. health care expenditures have been growing above the overall rate of inflation in the economy. A few experts have argued that high and rising costs are not such a serious problem. Most observers disagree with this view, pointing to the negative impact of employee health care costs on employers, the government budgetary problems caused by rising health care expenditures, and an association between high health care costs and reduced access for individuals needing health services.
Several explanations have been offered for high and rising health care costs. These include the perspectives that high and rising costs are created by forces external to the health system, by the weakness of a competitive free market within the health system, by the rapid diffusion of new technologies, by excessive costs of administering the health system, by the absence of strong cost-containment measures, and by undue market power of health care providers...
Sunday, July 3, 2005
Weekend Photos: Thermal Scan for SARS

Thermal scan for SARS in Hong Kong Airport.
Technorati Tags: Weekend Photos, Thermal Scan, SARS, Hong Kong
Saturday, July 2, 2005
Friday, July 1, 2005
Hilarious Journal Articles Part 9
The use of the kidneys in secular and ritual practices according to ancient Greek and Byzantine texts
Kidney International 68 (1), 399-404.
The use of kidneys in secular and spiritual practices was very common for centuries. In this article we present some references on their employment as sacrificial offers, as plain food or as a source for medicaments. Our material derives from Greek texts of the Classical, Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine eras. Relevant extracts from the Old Testament are also included, as they have become part of a common cultural heritage in that period of syncretism, when Jews were Hellenized and Greeks orientized. From the fragments cited in this article, it is obvious that the practical use of kidneys by priests, doctors, and lay persons in the periods under discussion was widespread. The sacrificial offering was based on the religious significance of the organ. The dietary consumption of the kidneys was limited by their function as urine producers. Their medicinal use was dictated first, by the abundance of the adipose tissue surrounding them, which was an ideal warming and binding substance. Second, it may be explained by the deeply rooted conviction that eating a particular organ led to the incorporation of its strength, thus protecting the corresponding eater's organs. Those practices should not surprise us in view of their corresponding modern use. Currently, kidney donors offer their organs in a sacrificial gesture, kidneys are consumed as a delicacy worldwide, and renal tissue is therapeutically used in transplantations and, until very recently, as a source for hormonal substances.Technorati Tags: Hilarious Journal Articles, Kidneys