Tuesday, May 10, 2005


iHealthRecord is a free online health record designed for patients. From the website:
The iHealthRecord is a secure and confidential interactive personal health record. This service not only stores personal health information for you and your loved ones, but it provides interactive programs that help you better understand medical conditions and medications, all at no cost to you. You can create, manage and share your personal health information with your physician, or another care giver in case of an emergency. Other features of an iHealthRecord are as follows:
  • Secure email and Online Consultation with your doctor
  • Automatic email warnings if a medication that you take is recalled or has a safety notice from the FDA
  • Automatic education programs, written by medical societies and other national experts and sent to you, that are specific to your medications or conditions
  • Quarterly online reminders to keep your iHealthRecord current
  • The ability to access the iHealthRecord in an emergency
  • The ability to share your health record with family members and loved ones
  • All of your medical information stored in one place and accessible from anywhere and at any time
  • A convenient iHealthRecord wallet card that provides emergency contact information and directions to access your iHealthRecord
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