Sunday, April 3, 2005

Consumer Reports Best Buy Drugs

Price comparisons on beta-blockers (for blood pressure), antidepressants, statins (for cholesterol), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (for arthritis), and proton pump inhibitors (for heartburn).
Prescription drugs can be expensive, even if you have insurance coverage. But there are medicines that can effectively meet your medical needs and give you better value for your health care dollar. Consumer Reports Best Buy Drugs is a free public education service from the nonprofit Consumers Union, publisher of Consumer Reports. Millions of Americans trust Consumer Reports to provide expert, independent information about products and services, and to help them save money.

The findings presented here combine an expert medical review of the scientific evidence on prescription drugs with their prices. The analysis compares and contrasts prescription drugs by category– -- that is, drugs in the same class that are used to treat a specific condition or illness such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heartburn or depression.

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